About Us

Laken Engineering Limited, an indigenous Ghanaian owned service provider to the oil and gas industry was incorporated in 2017 as a limited liability company.   We are registered with the agencies that regulate this industry in Ghana.

We founded Laken Engineering because we knew we could bring together the best people and the latest technology to get jobs done quickly, efficiently to achieve the best results locally.

Safety of our crew and clients are important to us.   Our processes ensure that we can get the job done safely.  That is why Laken Engineering will give you superior services from the best team in the industry.


We consistently integrate new technologies that enable us to better meet the evolving needs of our clients and add value to our services.


At Laken Engineering, safety is our core value.  Our employees are equipped with only the finest and latest technological protective gear and equipment.  Employees adhere to safe work practices and follow rigidly enforced safety procedures outlined in our written policy and procedure manual.


We continuously assess the impact of our operations on the environment and ensure compliance with all laws and regulations regarding the environment.

We strive towards excellence in safety performance by preventing incidents that involve personal injury and illness.   Our operation is highly dependent upon our employees delivering safe and efficient services.

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